Thursday, December 26, 2019
A queer theory reading of Oscar Wildes A Picture of Dorian Gray
Sample details Pages: 24 Words: 7273 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Aestheticism dictates that life should be lived by an ideal of beauty and a movement embodied by the phrase of art for arts sake. There is perhaps no greater advocate of such beliefs as Oscar Wilde, and the characteristics of aestheticism run through much of his work, both plays and stories, particularly in the character of the dandy. It would be difficult to analyse any of Wildes work without considering his own personal life and consequently, almost impossible to analyse his use of aesthetics without tackling the elements of homoeroticism. Living in a society largely intolerant to homosexuality, Wilde was obviously restricted to some extent with regard to what he could writeabout explicitly and as a result secrecy becomes an important influence over Wildes work. This makes for an extremely interesting relationship between aestheticism and homoeroticism, and it is this relationship that will form the main focus of this essay. What are the forms and techniques that Wilde uses to aestheticise homosexuality, and why? And how by doing this his literary works reveal aspects of his own life and sexuality, ultimately creating the figure of Wilde the aesthete, dandy, and campy witticist who has become a public icon forhomosexual men in Britain and America. It will focus primarily on The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest and The Happy Prince and Other Stories. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A queer theory reading of Oscar Wildes: A Picture of Dorian Gray | English Literature Dissertation" essay for you Create order The Portrait of Mr. W.H portrays Shakespeare as being a slave to beauty that is the condition of the artist! This concept of theartist as worshipper of beauty is a recurring characteristic of Wildes literature and will be dealt with later in this chapter. Firstly, itis necessary to look at the ideal of beauty that Wilde presents as worthy of worship. There is an overwhelming resemblance between Wildes portrayal ofbeauty and the concept of beauty in the Greek era. As Summers observesin his book Gay Fictions: Studies in a Male Homosexual Literary Tradition, both The Portrait of Dorian Gray and The Portrait of Mr.W.H focus heavily on portraits of androgynous young men bothstories allude to famous homosexual artists and lovers in history andthey both assume a significant connection between homosexual Eros andart. Same-sex desire is referenced heavily throughout Greek literature, for example, during the sixth century, the poet Sappho wrote numerous homoerotic verses concerning young women, with the term lesbian derived from the name of her island home of Lesbos. Platoalso referred to same-sex desires and relations, even forming his own theory on the pre-determined nature of different sexualities. In words taken from The Portrait of Mr. W.H, the ideal of beauty is a beauty that seemed to combine the charm of both sexes, and to have we dded, as the Sonnets tell us, the grace of Adonis and the loveliness ofHelen. Wilde uses this Greek ideal of beauty as a means of adding authority to his allusions to homoeroticism, to make the content of the two aforementioned works more acceptable to a Victorian audience. Itis important to note that there is a marked difference of public attitude towards homosexuality and homoeroticism between Greek and Victorian society. Donald Hall observes that during the Greek eraadult male sexuality, had much more to do with power status and social positioning than it did with any expression of identity-determining desire for the same or other sex. Wildes ideal of beauty also overlaps with the Greek concept of the muse. The Portrait of Dorian Gray presents us with Dorian, the muse topainter Basil Hallward, and The Portrait of Mr. W.H provides us withan insight into the life of one of the most famous muses of all, the young man who Shakespeare addressed many of his sonnets to Who was he whose physical beauty was such that it became the very corner-stone of Shakespeares art; the very source of Shakespeares inspiration; the very incarnation of Shakespeares dreams. The muse, defined as asource of inspiration especially for a creative artist succeeds in objectifying the subject, transforming a human presence into aesthetic fodder to fuel the creative mind, as well as something far superior tothe person beholding the muse. With regard to The Picture of Dorian Gray, Summers suggests that, the implied link between homosexual Erosand creativity is clear in Dorians effect on Basils art. Dorians beauty and the ideal that he represents ca use Basil to see the world afresh and inspire him to his greatest work as an artist. This is where the idea of worshipping beauty comes into play. TheHappy Prince, for example, is distinctly removed from everyday lifeand is admired from afar in a quite literal sense. However, Dorian isperhaps the best illustration of Wildes fascination with the worshipof beauty. The novel suggests that to other young men Dorian seemedto be of the company of those whom Dante describes as having sought tomake themselves perfect by the worship of beauty. Like Gautier, hewas one for whom the visible world existed. At the same time,Dorian is presented to us as the worshipped, with regard to hisrelationship with Basil Hallward. The experience of the muse in the manner of Basil and Shakespeare (asportrayed by Wilde) seems to present something of a double-edged sword,producing feelings of such passion that joy and despair becomeintertwined. The narrator of The Portrait of Mr. W.H suggests thatShakespeares muse was a particular young man whose personality forsome reason seems to have filled the soul of Shakespeare with terriblejoy and no less terrible despair. In a similar vein, Basil hasominous feelings on meeting Dorian for the first time, I knew that Ihad come face to face with someone whose mere personality was sofascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my wholenature, my whole soul, my very art itself. The effect of beauty canbe seen as both gift and curse in the same way that Wilde perhapsregarded homosexuality in Victorian society. The importance that Wilde places on the worship of beauty is closelyrelated to his strong beliefs in aestheticism. The distance that Wildeseeks to construct between the observer and the object of beauty can beread as a mechanism of aestheticism whereby he aims to eliminate anyattachment to moral and wider societal concerns. The following chapterwill analyse the relation of aesthetics to Wildes literary works, andhow far he is able to separate the appreciation of art from moralvalues. Mary Blanchard, in Oscar Wildes America suggests that the personaof the invert or male homosexual was an emerging concept during the1880s, and the connections between aesthetic style and a homosexualsubculture cannot be overlooked. And with other critics referring toWilde as the high priest of aestheticism, its clear that Oscar is noexception to this rule. He lived a hedonistic lifestyle, flitting as asocial butterfly from one experience of art and beauty to the next. InVictorian times the male dandy soon became a symbol of this aestheticage, with no finer literary examples than Dorian and Lord Henry of ThePortrait of Dorian Gray, and Algernon and Jack of The Importance ofBeing Earnest. Lord Henry declares that pleasure is the only thingworth having a theory about and it is this preoccupation withmaterial things and surface-level emotions that characterises thedandy, a choice of style over substance. As a result Dorian becomesfascinated with acquiring commodities such as perfumes, je wels andmusic. Wilde dedicates pages of description to this search forsensations that would be at once new and possess that element ofstrangeness that is so essential to romance. The concept of dandyism is closely linked to that of Victoriandecadence. Goldfarb, in his essay on Late Victorian Decadenceprovides us with a useful definition of decadence, highlighting itsresemblance to aestheticism the value to be gained from experienceof all sorts and from indulgence in a life of sensation. Because ofthis emphasis, decadent literature is animated by the exploration ofimmoral and evil experiences; never does it preach morality, nor doesit strongly insist upon ethical responsibilities. This separationbetween decadence and morality is also a characteristic common toaestheticism. Glick studies the concepts of dandyism at length in her essay onThe Dialectics of Dandyism, identifying an opposition betweencritical thought on dandyism and arguing that two different modelslocate dandyism at the opposite poles of modernity, simultaneouslypositioning the queer subject as a privileged emblem of the modern andas a dissident in revolt against society. Therefore, on the one handthe reader can accept the dandy as person who embraces the aestheticsof culture and celebrates beauty as a preoccupation with surfacetrends to conceive of gay identity solely or primarily in terms ofartifice, aesthetics, commodity fetishism and style. Or, beneath thesurface, we can read a protest against the commodification of modernlife and a rejection of common values and aspirations. Goldfarb note asimilar contempt for modern society in the movement of decadence, aself-conscious contempt for social conventions such as truth andmarriage, by an acceptance of Beauty as a basis for life. Bothaest heticism and decadence seek to remove beauty from the confines ofmodern society and use it to their own ends in a self-created sensualand fantastical lifestyle. Wildes use of aestheticism can be read as an attempt to showhomosexuality as a sign of refined culture, as a means to his desiredend where such a topic becomes more acceptable. In the same way thatWilde alludes to the Greek ideal of beauty to disguise what couldotherwise be seen as a direct and possibly offensive portrayal ofhomosexual desire, by adhering to the rules of aestheticism Wilde isable to divert attention from any moral attack on his writing. Themovement of aestheticism shuns any notion that art can be connectedwith morality and passionately encourages individual freedom and socialtheatricality. Ironically, whilst it can largely be seen as arebellion against Victorian sensibilities, it is simultaneously amethod of retaining a covert nature to the expression of homoeroticdesire. In the case of Basil Hallward, he finds art an outlet for suchdesires, there is nothing that Art cannot express. Through Dorian,Basil is able to discover a new manner in art, an entirely new mode of style not just when he is painting Dorian, but when he is merelypresent. It allows him a new way of looking at life, having realisedthe power of homoeroticism In presenting homosexuality through the lens of aestheticism andconsequently presenting it as a refined culture with close links to theidealised and romantic image of the Greek age, Wilde also separates thelifestyle of the homosexual man from the classes of heterosexualsociety. As Elisa Glick suggests in her essay on the dialectics ofdandyism, Wilde depicts Dorians seemingly endless appetite forexotic, luxury objects as the exterior manifestation of his innerintellectual and artistic superiority. This presents Doriansdesires and those of other aetheticism advocates as elitist andultimately superior to other classes. Through the use of aestheticism,it can be argued that Wilde attempts to give homoeroticism the power totranscend class. By describing such episodes in this romantic andfantastical manner, he places homosexuality in a highly refined classof its own, in a position out of reach from the realities of theworking class and bourgeoisie. To take this concept one step further, Wilde can also be seen toreject the realities of common society entirely, as an aesthetepreferring to lose himself in sensual experiences and ultimatelydreaming of an escape from reality to a place where such experience canbe fully realised. Glick goes on to note that Dorians acquisition ofluxuries and curios not only seems to affirm his aristocraticdistinction, but also aims to build a self-created world byaestheticizing experience itself. Gray yearns not so much for theenjoyment provided by an individual object, but for the aestheticpleasure provided by its reincarnation of part of his collection.Indeed, Dorian does become obsessed with creating his own desiredversion of reality, in which worshipping beauty and living by thesenses is the priority. Having embarked on this aesthetic journey-largely instigated by Lord Henry Dorians passion to adhere to theseideals becomes clear, It was the creation of such worlds as these thatseemed to Dorian Gra y to be the true object, or amongst the trueobjects of life. Early in the novel Wilde even goes so far as toassociate reality directly with the lower classes and as therefore,something ranked below the aspirations and lifestyle of those likeDorian; in this extract no sooner is Dorian overcome by fascinationwith Lord Henry than he is brought down to earth by the entrance of aservant: Dorian Gray never took his gaze off him, but sat like one under aspell, smiles chasing each other over his lips, and wonder growinggrave in his darkening eyes. At last, liveried in the costume of the age, Reality entered the roomin the shape of a servant to tell the Duchess that her carriage waswaiting. By personifying Reality Wilde presents it as something that can bedefeated, beaten by those who have enough desire and strength of mindto do so. In the same way Wilde often capitalises and personifiesArt to add character to the subject and emphasise his position onthat subject. Although in one respect this separation of the dandy or aesthetefrom reality may seem to alienate him from others in society, thecontent of Wildes narration does not necessarily isolate him from amoral standpoint. It is interesting to note that we are given verylittle information on the uglier types of experience that Dorianseeks. As readers, we understand the influences and transition thatthe protagonist is going through as his soul darkens, but we are noteducated in the exact nature of the experiences. This allows lessopportunity for concentrating on the moral aspects of his lifestylechoices, and more opportunity for pondering on the nature ofaestheticism; we focus more on the influences on Dorian and theconsequences, rather than on judging his actions and decisions. Whenone delves deeper to find a moral standpoint on Wildes part, it isdifficult to do so, and consequently, easier to assume that the absenceof analysis in this area suggests ambiguity on his part. Summer seeks to find an answer to this moral ambiguity in the worldof Oscar Wilde himself, and in relation to The Portrait of Dorian Grayfound that Wilde summarised the moral as all excess, as well as allrenunciation, brings its own punishment. The painter, Basil Hallward,worshipping physical beauty far too much, as most painters do, dies bythe hand of one in whose soul he has created a monstrous and absurdvanity. Dorian Gray, having led a life of mere sensation and pleasure,tries to kill conscience, and at that moment kills himself. Thiscomment of Wildes confirms the notion that becoming a slave to beautyis a condition of art, illustrated by the tone of the inevitable thataccompanies the phrase as most painters do, an observation that wecan easily transfer to the experience of other artists as well. Wildegoes on to explain that Lord Henry Wotton seeks to be merely thespectator of life. He finds that those who reject the battle are moredeeply wounded than those who take part in it. I n this respect bothBasil and Henry are ultimately doomed, thus suggesting no clear moralpath that the reader need follow for salvation. Moral ambivalenceoccurs frequently as a result of the narrators attitude; the narratoris sympathetic towards whichever character he is describing, and inparticular, often seems just as seduced by the strong and influentialcharacter of Lord Henry as Dorian is. With this in mind, Summersconcludes that notwithstanding the retributive ending of the book, theFaustian dream of an escape from human limitation and moral stricturesultimately triumphs over the condemnation of excess and therebysubverts the apparent moralism. To summarise, he argues that theFaustian dream is rendered more appealingly than the superimposedlesson of dangers of narcissism. However, if we accept Summersreading, it still remains impossible to read the novel withoutquestioning the relationship between aestheticism and morality.Whether we believe Wilde to subvert or strengthen common moral values,their presence within the narration is undeniable and invites furtherthought from the reader. To conclude this chapter on aestheticism, we can see that Wildesliterature aestheticism and homosexuality exist co dependently. Thisobviously has an effect on the publics reading of his works, and howreadily and comfortably they associate these two aspects. As Summerssuggests it is interesting to note that The Picture of Dorian Gray wasamong the first novels in the language to feature (though blurred andinexactly) a homosexual subculture Summers wrote that homosexualreaders would certainly have responded to the books undercurrent ofgay feeling, and may have found the very name Dorian suggestive ofGreek homosexuality, since it was Dorian tribesmen who allegedlyintroduced homosexuality into Greece as part of their militaryregimen. In contrast, Mary Blanchard notes a negative consequenceconcerning heterosexual readers during the Victorian era Allyingaesthetic style with the masculine self provoked attacks from someVictorian men unsure of their own gender orientation. This raisesthe iss ue of how a heterosexual readership can be seen to react to theundertone of homosexuality, and how a readers interpretation canchange when fuelled by more knowledge of Oscar Wildes personal life.Before looking at the effect of the writer on what is ultimately afictional narrator, this essay will look at the importance of secrecyin the life of the homosexual man. Todays society is obviously more accepting of Wildes sexuality andits effect on his art, Summers illustrates this point by suggestingthat Wildes demise meant that he ultimately functioned as Saint Oscar,the homosexual martyr. But of course it was not until some timeafter the late nineteenth century that Wilde was fully appreciated by awider audience. Miller and Adams in Sexualities in Victorian Britainobserve that the Victorians were notorious as the great enemies ofsexuality: indeed in Freuds representative account, sexualitysometimes seems to be whatever it was that the middle-class Victorianmind attempted to hide, evade, repress, deny. In this respect thehomosexual man had a double secrecy to adhere to that of sexuality,as well as homosexuality. In Victorian society there was very much aclear-cut idea of what was natural and unnatural, of what was normaland abnormal. Consequently, Wilde set himself up as a figure to beattacked by the press as unnatural and abnormal the Victorian presspublicized in wildly inflammatory ways Wildes eccentric dress,effeminate, and haughty demeanour, all held up as important signifiersof his unnatural sexuality and the threat he posed to normal,middle-class values. Being such an extravagant and extrovertedcharacter, Wildes sexuality was not particularly covert and eventuallyprovided Victorian society with a case by which to lay down the law asto what was acceptable in terms of sexuality. As Ed Cohen suggests inhis essay, Writing Gone Wild: Homoerotic Desire in the Closet ofRepresentation, the court proceedings against Wilde provided aperfect opportunity to define publicly the authorized and legal limitswithin which a man could naturally enjoy the pleasures of his bodywith another man. Despite the fact that it was Wildes indiscrete homosexual behaviourand demeanour that led to his downfall, aspects of secrecy featureheavily in his literary works and certain narrative techniques aid tothe covert nature in which homoeroticism is often presented. To recap,by relating same-sex friendships to aestheticism and ideals of beauty,Wilde is able to divert attention from aspects of homosexuality thatwould be otherwise be interpreted as immoral by Victorian society.Also, Wilde omits any direct reference or description of same-sexphysical relations and hardly even alludes to such activities. Thecontent of the narration and emphasis on aestheticism means that ahomoerotic reading of Dorian Gray is not immediately obvious at leastnot to a heterosexual readership. Therefore, homosexual love becomesthe love that cannot be spoken of and is fundamentally secretive. The secret language of homosexuality is particularly evident in TheImportance of Being Earnest, a play riddled with code words alluding tohomosexual behaviour. Karl Beckson argues that the title of the playis not only a pun on the name of Earnest, but is also a representationof same-sex love since the term Urning (a variant of the more commonlyused Uranian) referred to same-sex desire in fin-de-siecle London.Beckson also argues that Wildes use of the term bunburying as ameans for Algernon to escape responsibility also has Uranianimplications. With the action of bunburying being such a focal pointof The Importance of Being Earnest, this reading of the play suggest aserious preoccupation with the secret world of the homosexual. It isalso interesting to note that an unnamed critic in Time suggests thatBunburying was shorthand for a visit to a fashionable London malewhorehouse (2 February 1979, 73), an opinion reaffirmed by JoelFineman in 1980. Understandably, after the success of play t hephrase bunburying became a commonly used term as same-sex slang.John Franceschina notes other code words used in the play as musical,effeminate, and aunty, all of them Victorian expressions for same-sexactivity. Yet, again Wilde diverts attention from a moral reading bywriting in a style that is based on farce and euphemism, a style thatrejects an immediate analytical reading. In her essay Dialectics of Dandyism, Elisa Glick observes theissue of secrecy within both modern and Victorian society and suggeststhat modern gay identity is pervaded by the trope of the secret.She pays particular interest to the dichotomy of appearance and whatlies beneath, in her words the opposition between outward appearanceand inner essence. This split between appearance and essence of apersons character and desires is central to Wildes portrayal ofhomosexuality, as illustrated by the character of Dorian Gray. Dorianis a contradiction of appearance and essence, with the portrait beingan omnipresent reminder of this. And to return to The Importance ofBeing Earnest, the very act of bunburying on Algernon Moncrieffs partsuggests a web of deceit where appearances are never compatible withreality. One might think that such a heavy reliance on secrecy might lead tosome resentment by those forced to hide their sexuality from anintolerant society, but in the case of Wildes dandies, this does notseem to be the case. In fact, such characters appear to activelyembrace a world of secrecy. If we equate Dorians portrait withhomosexuality, then we can read his response to the secrecy that isforced upon him as something of a guilty pleasure pride ofindividualism that is half fascination of sin, and smiling with secretpleasure at the misshapen shadow that had to bear the burden thatshould have been his own. This seems to suggest that throughsecrecy, a homosexual man can avoid all the negative consequences thatwould be thrust upon him by an offended Victorian society. Glickobserves that it the portrait is not just related to the secret worldof Dorian, but that it also functions on a wider scale, Wilde makes itclear that the portrait does not exhibit a single secret; rather it isthe site f or a circulation of secrecy in which all these characters Basil, Dorian, and Lord Henry are implicated. The portraittherefore, becomes a symbol of the secrecy of the homosexual man, whichis simultaneously associated with issues of aestheticism. Glick goeson to suggest that Basil expresses the sense of homosexuality as bothknown and unknowable the double bind of gay identity when hedeclares, I have come to love secrecy. It seems to be the one thingthat can make modern life mysterious or marvellous to us. Thecommonest thing is delightful if only one hides it. But just how realistically can homosexuality exist by these secretcodes of conduct? Just as Wilde suffers at the hands of an intolerantsociety, so does Dorian Gray struggle to live a life of doubleidentity. By the end of the novel it becomes clear that he issuspended between two worlds, with no lasting way of marrying the two.To return to the essay of Elisa Glick, Dorian must die when he stabsthe portrait because he can only exist in the relation between thepublic and the private, a relation that Wilde literalizes in theportrait and its subject. Right from the outset of The Picture ofDorian Gray we are presented with the concept of that part of anartists inspiration that remains secret and personal to them.Therefore, the portrait of Dorian Gray does not merely conceal thesecrets of Dorian, but also the secrets of the painter of the subject -the portrait is a mysterious form because its outward appearanceconceals its inner essence. it reveals the essence of both painterand painted. T he secret desire hidden within the painting is broughtto our attention by Henrys shallow comment that the painting looksnothing like Basil; the fact that his retort misses the point entirelymerely succeeds in enhancing our understanding that there is much moreof Basils desires and passion in the painting than is immediatelyobvious from its surface attributes. Interestingly, this revelationcontradicts the concept of appreciating art purely for its appearanceand with no relation to moral values. In many cases living by thesenses reveals much about the person, and experiences cannot be soeasily detached from emotion and personal feeling. For example, whenDorian falls in love with Sibyl Vane, Henry observes that out of itssecret hiding place had crept his Soul, and Desire had come to meet iton the way. Within the stereotypical lifestyles of the aesthetes,inner feeling will inevitably show its face and with it, bring at leasta fleeting ponder on moral values. Having analysed The Importance of Being Earnest and The Picture ofDorian Gray with regard to elements of secrecy, both positive andnegative consequences of such an influence on homosexual lifestyle areapparent. But it is the story of The Happy Prince that puts Wildesfinal and definitive seal of opinion on the issue of secrecy. Once theswallow has sacrificed his life for the statue of the Prince, the twoTown Councillors far from understand the relationship between theswallow and prince, becoming preoccupied with the trivial matter of whoshould be the subject of the next statue. However, there is ultimatelya happy ending with the swallow and Prince receiving recognition andacceptance from God, for in my garden of Paradise this little birdshall sing for evermore, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shallpraise me. The relationship between Prince and Swallow does havehomoerotic undertones, with the Swallow often read as the dandycharacter, in this case fascinated by the beauty of the statue. Thehomoerotic aspect of the tale culminates in a kiss between the two,but you must kiss me on the lips, for I love you. If we are toaccept a homoerotic reading of The Happy Prince then accordingly wecan read the ending as Wilde voicing his opinion of homosexuality asnatural and literally giving such a lifestyle the blessing of God. InThe Portrait of Dorian Gray, Wilde uses a similar technique whereby hepresents the character who can most easily be classified as homosexual,as the very character who is the most morally sensitive. However, a homoerotic reading of The Happy Prince, indeed of anyof Wildes literary works, relies on and is substantially influenced byour knowledge of Oscar Wildes personal life. This brings us to thefinal chapter of this dissertation, a chapter that will analyse therelationship between the writer and the narrator, and the effect ofthis relationship on aesthetic and homoerotic readings of Wildesfiction. Chapter 5 -Wilde the storyteller So far we have looked mainly at The Importance of Being Earnest andThe Picture of Dorian Gray and we have touched upon the fact that it isoften difficult to read such works without considering the personallife of Oscar Wilde. A Victorian audience would have held someknowledge of Wilde, considering that he was an extremely sociablecharacter with social critiques often published in Reviews of thetime. And of course, his two years imprisonment would have beenwidely publicised and consequently common knowledge. There is no doubtthat it was around this time that heterosexual readers would havestruggled to accept the links that Wilde makes between aestheticism andhomosexuality, fearing a similar fate merely for sharing thecharacteristics of aestheticism. Reading in the twenty-first centurywe now have the privilege of even further information on Wildesprivate life. The nineteenth century novel largely focused on the third person,omnipresent narrator, and in doing so inevitably drew attention to thepersona of the narrator and subsequently to the author himself. Wildeis no exception to this rule and it is difficult not to see his owncharacter or what we believe to be his own character shinethrough. As suggested in the previous chapter, it is not just thecondition of the artist to worship beauty, but also to allow his owncharacter and desires to become a part of his art. In the case of ThePortrait of Dorian Gray, our knowledge of Wilde as a dandy and aesthetecolours our interpretation of characters such as Lord Henry andDorian. Knowing what we do about Wildes extravagant social life andturbulent relationship with the press, lines such as You dont wantpeople to talk of you as something vile and degraded spoken to Dorianby Basil, begin to take on more significant meaning. With this quotein mind, it is possible to read between the lines and observ e a feelingin Wilde that he wishes somehow, outside of his literature not to belooked upon as vile and degraded. This desire for acceptance isoffset by the more typical tongue in cheek wit of Wilde, the use ofwhich diverts attention from serious emotions. This type of humour canbe seen in Dorians retort to Basil on hearing gossip, I love scandalsabout other people, but scandals about myself dont interest me. Theyhave not got the charm of novelty. It seems that Wilde isdeliberately poking fun at himself and joining in with the popularridicule that was present in Victorian society about the life of theaesthetic gentleman. Many cartoons and caricatures were in circulationat the time that sought to make fun of the extravagances of theaesthetic lifestyle. Numerous satirical works were also released,worth particular mention is Robert Hitchens Green Carnation, asatirical novel on decadence influenced by the authors beliefs inaestheticism as unconventional and exhibitionist. The Importance ofBeing Earnest also has a farcical tone throughout, which often servesto allow the reader to question Wildes authority, whilst also allyingthe comments of certain characters with Oscar himself. For example, aline of Gwendolen appears to point directly at Wildes personal life,And certainly once a man begins to neglect his domestic duties hebecomes painfully effeminate, does he not? And I dont like that. Itmakes men so very attractive. However, many critics would argue that the very definition of fictiondictates that the reader should accept that there need not necessarilybe a connection between narrator and author. In the same way that anactor does not need to have experienced a similar history and lifestyleto the character they play, so too should we allow the writer to assumedifferent characters. This very point crops up in the story of ThePortrait of Mr W.H whereby the narrator argues that To say that only awoman can portray the passions of a woman, and that therefore no boycan play Rosalind, is to rob the art of acting of all claim toobjectivity. Indeed, this type of reading does take some of thepressure away from Wilde and means that he can be judged as an authorless readily. Having said this, in reality this is an extremely thinveil of protection. And in the writing of The Portrait of Mr. W.Heven seems to invite a reading based on his own life. For example, heuses a first person narrator and a style that can easily be mistakenfor a factual piece of writing concerning validated research. Wildeclearly walks a fine line between fact and fiction, keeping the focuson fiction just enough to allow him to present his work as fiction, andrely on the cover of other narrative techniques such as the beliefs ofaestheticism. Wilde toys with his audience and seems to delight inkeeping them guessing as to where the line between fact and fiction isdrawn. This can be linked back to the issue of secrecy withinhomosexual culture and the pleasure that can be gained from suchsecrecy. The Importance of Being Earnest, The Picture of Dorian Gray and ThePortrait of Mr W.H all feature aspects of the male dandy and overlapwith what we know to be Wildes lifestyle. But when it comes to othertales in The Happy Prince and other stories, they are much furtherremoved from Wildes reality and experience, located in fairy talesettings and seem to offer the content of a fable. Written in such adifferent style to the works already discussed, where can theseremaining tales be positioned in relation to Wildes stance onaestheticism and lifestyle as a homosexual man, and does the fact thatWilde has adopted a fairy tale style mean that there is more separationbetween narrator and author? The Happy Prince and other stories do have elements of Wildes wideropinions and ideas on aestheticism, and in some instances, undertonesof homoeroticism. However, before considering the stories in relationto these issues, it is important to draw attention to Wildes intendedreadership/audience. Having married Constance Lloyd, Wilde was thefather of two and there is no doubt that consequently assuming thisrole influenced the content and style of these particular works.Although his two sons were still very young when he wrote The HappyPrince and other stories, he would ultimately have had them in mind ashis desired audience. As Owen Dudley Edwards comments: This is not tosay that the stories were first told to his two sons, though simpleversions of them may have beenBut they were written with the intentionof telling them to his sons. They are stories from an unselfconsciousfather who knows how to move the storyteller in and out of thenarrative with mild self-mockery, as opposed to some assertive malechauvinist brute thundering his own dignity and morality for theedification of his wretched offspring. The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant and other tales in thecollection all have characteristics of the fairy tale, as well as thebible story and epic tradition. Wildes target audience wouldobviously have influenced his apparent adherence to Victorian moralvalues and religious beliefs. With a folklorist for a mother and aneducation in the classics, Wildes storytelling influences can clearlybe traced back to his upbringing. Owen Dudley Edwards suggests thatWildes stories in almost all cases travel back to a Celtic folk-worlddominated by ghosts and God. The presence of God in The Selfish Giantfor example, focuses on a religious message of humanity and the afterlife, and as a result it allows for a clear-cut moral, something thatWildes other works shy away from. There is less ambiguity concerningthe conclusions we come to at the end of these tales. It can perhaps be argued that these stories are an outlet forWildes desire to be accepted by Victorian society. Influenced by hischildren an aspect of his heterosexual life they appear to be thetype of sugary tale that would be embraced by a society obsessed by thedistinction between right and wrong, normal and abnormal. Although,there are still moments of typical tongue in cheek Wilde humour, themorals of the stories fundamentally serve those of the Victorian ideal. Animosity toward Wilde during the late nineteenth century came aboutlargely as a reaction toward perceived immoral aspects of his work.However the very nature of aestheticism invites a reading entirelyunrelated to moral values. As Lord Henry Wotton suggests at the veryend The Picture of Dorian Gray As for being poisoned by a book, thereis no such thing as that. Art has no influence upon action. Itannihilates the desire to act. It is superbly sterile. The books thatthe world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.That is all. It seems that while Wilde would ideally like the rest of society toread his works as art for arts sake, the reality of it all is thatresponsibility cannot be transferred quite so easily. Art isinescapably linked with the character and inner feelings with theartist and will be read accordingly by the reader. Both Dorian andBasil realise this, and in this respect we can perhaps see evidencethat Wilde himself was dubious as to just how far he could separatehimself from his art Dorian begins to experience a similarrelationship with Art, Appreciate it? I am in love with it, Basil. Itis part of myself. I feel that. Dorian soon comes to realise thatthe painting is a part of him, and does not merely objectify him, nordoes it exist independently from himself and Basil. No sooner has itbeen created than it is a part of their lives, of their experiences andfeelings. Toibin highlights this as problem concerning all of Wildesliterary works, particularly his plays is that they are forced tocompe te with the drama of his own lost years. Numerous biographieshave been published on Wilde, even films documenting his life. Havingbecome a part of popular culture today, most people know something ofWildes history, particularly his tumultuous relationship with AlfredDouglas. It is impossible to approach Wildes fiction with fresh eyesand no prior conceptions of what we suppose will be references to hisown lifestyle. Throughout the chapters of this dissertation, it has become clearthat art cannot exist purely for arts sake; a host of other factorsand influences come into play during the observers appreciation of theart. Wildes art cannot be experienced as art for arts sake, it isart to make a point, as a vehicle for Wilde to express his own opinionsand feelings. Just as the picture of Dorian Gray proves what sin cando to a man, so the novel raises its own issues and aims to make itsown point, as ambiguous as this may be The sitter is merely theaccident, the occasion. It is not he who is revealed by the painter, itis rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas, reveals himself.Recognising this, Wilde calls upon numerous narrative techniques todraw attention away from aspects of his own personal lifestyle. Thesetechniques include referencing the accepted ideal of beauty from theGreek era, injecting an element of farce in order to invite a questionin the authority of the narrator, and referencin g beliefs inaestheticism. Well-known in the late nineteenth century for his socialcritique and outspoken character, Wilde would often use this to hisadvantage by making extreme remarks on society that would defy beingtaking seriously, for example, I am too fond of reading books to careto write them, Mr Erskine. I should like to write a novel certainly; anovel that would be as lovely as a Persian carpet and as unreal. Butthere is no literary public in England for anything except newspapers,primers, and encyclopaedias. Of all people in the world the Englishhave the least sense of the beauty of literature. Instead of askingfor trouble, Wilde succeeds in creating a style that allows him morefreedom by taking on a role of questionable authority. Toibin suggeststhat Wilde is ready to mock and amuse, use old creaky plots and oldcreaky characters, and use them to play with a world of surfaces andsecrets. Mistaken identities, long-lost children, lost jewels,overheard conversations and many e xits and entrances are placed besidecynicism and corruption, opportunism and a large number of aphorismswhich manage to seem both glib and indisputable. Thus, he drawsattention away from his own personal life and allows himself much moreliterary freedom of expression through misunderstanding and the worldof farce. Wilde is only able to escape the restraints of aestheticism whenrelating true experience. His work, De Profundis, written fromReading jail between January and March 1897 is described her by Toibin:The tone of De Profundis was calmly eloquent; there was a hurtbeauty in the sentences, and a sense of urgency, a sense of hard thingsbeing said for the first time. Wildes old skills at paradox, hisability to use words as a way of turning the world on its head, were nolonger used to seduce an audience but to kill his own pain and griefHehad suffered too much to care if his tone seemed too emotional, writtennot as art, but as matter. The reference to seducing an audienceimplies that Wilde sought an acceptance that could not have been gainedwere he more serious and were he truthful. His skills of turning theworld on its head can therefore be read as defence mechanisms todisguise the man behind the face of the narrator. Despite the pleasure of secrecy described in Chapter 4, Wilde wasperhaps more concerned about conforming within the confines ofVictorian society than would be apparent at first glance. An importantevent with regard to Wildes moral values is that of his arrest andsubsequent trial. To quote Summers: the theme of martyrdom is athread that runs through much of his work, early and late, and probablyreflects the strong masochistic element in his personality, even as italso mirrors his sense of alienation. Moreover his disastrous decisionto prosecute the Marquess of Queensbury for alleging that he posed as asodomite was itself reactionary rather than defiant in nature,reflecting both his ambivalence toward homosexuality and his desire toappear to conform to the Victorian standards that he so oftenridiculed. This is to suggest that Wildes desire to conform mayhave had more of an influence over his actions than any early crusadefor gay rights or rebellion against Victorian morals and values.T oibin states that The personal became political because an Irishmanpushed his luck. The covert nature of homosexuality and thestrategies Wilde used within his literary works to concealhomoeroticism, may have given him a false sense of security and enoughbravado to believe that he could call upon Victorian standards toprotect him from slander. In the words of Summers: Although Wilde frequently (and sometimesself-servingly) asserted the impersonality of art, his own art isinseparably bound to his personality, or at least to the personal he soassiduously cultivated and promoted, and thus his works cannot beappreciated in isolation from his life. As a homosexual manattempting to exist successfully in Victorian society, whilst leading asomewhat secretive homosexual lifestyle, Wilde was ultimately unable tomarry the two markedly different worlds. Living in an intolerantsociety, Wildes only potential saviour was aestheticism, bringing withit the power to validate homoeroticism and invite acceptance from widerVictorian society. Yet, it was the elitist nature of aestheticism thatisolated others from joining the movement, and instead it became anexclusive club that provoked ridicule from many of the bourgeoisie andmiddle class. Just as Wildes fiction was inextricably linked with hispersonal life in Victorian society, so, over one h undred years afterhis death he remains an iconic writer, known equally for his lifestyleand his art. Blanchard, Mary Warner, Boundaries and the Victorian Body:Aesthetic Fashion in Gilded Age America, The American HistoricalReview, Vol.100, No. 1 (Feb, 1995) Blanchard, Mary Warner, Oscar Wildes America, Counterculture in the Gilded Age (Yale University Press, 1998) Brown, Richard Danson and Gupta, Suman, Aestheticism and modernism:debating twentieth century literature 1900-1960 (Oxford, Routledge,2005) Cohen, Ed. Writing Gone Wilde: Homoerotic Desire in the Closet of Representation, PMLA, Vol. 102, No. 5 (Oct, 1987) Felski, Rita, The Counterdiscourse of the Feminine in Three Textsby Wildem Huysmans and Sacher-Masoch, PMLA, Vol.106, No.5 (Oct, 1991) Franceschina, John, Homosexualities in the English Theatre: From Lyly to Wilde (Greenwood Press, 1997) Glick, Elisa The Dialectics of Dandyism, Cultural Critique, No. 48 (Spring 2001) Hall, Donald E, Queer Theories (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) Goldfarb, Russell M. Late Victorian Decadence, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Summer, 1962) Lawler, Donald L, and Knott, Charles E, The Context of Invention:Suggested Origins of Dorian Gray Modern Philology, Vol.73. No.4, Part1 (May, 1976) Miller, Andrew H and Adams, James Eli, Sexualities in Victorian Britain (Indiana University Press, 1996) Schulz, Davis, Redressing Oscar: Performance and the trials of Oscar Wilde, TDR, Vol.40, No.2 (Summer, 1996) Sinfield, Alan, Out on stage: lesbian and gay theatre in thetwentieth century (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999) Summers, Claude J, Gay Fictions, Wilde to Stonewall: Studies in a Male Homosexual Literary Tradition (Continuum, 1990) Toibin, Colm, Love in a dark time: Gay Lives from Wilde to Almodovar (Pan Macmillan 2002) Wilde, Oscar, Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Harper Collins, 2003) Wilde, Oscar, The Importance of Being Earnest (Penguin, 1994) Wilde, Oscar, The Importance of Being Earnest, York Notes Advanced (York Press, 2004) Wilde, Oscar, The Picture of Dorian Gray (Penguin, 1994)
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
What Is Heart Failure - 1258 Words
What is heart failure? Heart failure occurs when the heart loses its ability to pump enough blood through the body. Usually, the loss in pumping action is a symptom of an underlying heart problem, such as coronary artery disease. The term heart failure suggests a sudden and complete stop of heart activity. But, actually, the heart does not suddenly stop. Rather, heart failure usually develops slowly, often over years, as the heart gradually loses its pumping ability and works less efficiently. Some people may not become aware of their condition until symptoms appear years after their heart began its decline. How serious the condition is depends on how much pumping capacity the heart has lost. Nearly everyone loses some pumping capacity as he or she ages. But the loss is significantly more in heart failure and often results from a heart attack or other disease that damages the heart. The severity of the condition determines the impact it has on a person s life. At one end of the spectrum, the mild form of heart failure may have little effect on a person s life; at the other end, severe heart failure can interfere with even simple activities and prove fatal. Between those extremes, treatment often helps people lead full lives. But all forms of heart failure, even the mildest, are a serious health problem, which must be treated. To improve their chance of living longer, patients must take care of themselves, see their physician regularly, and closely follow treatments.Show MoreRelatedWhat Is Heart Failure?781 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat is Heart failure? The heartââ¬â¢s function is to move oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium, then on to the left ventricle, pumps it to the rest of the body. The left ventricle supplies most of the heart s pumping power; therefore, the left ventricle is larger than the other chambers and essential for normal function. In left-sided or left ventricular (LV) heart failure, the left side of the heart must work harder to pump the same amount of blood (American Heart Association -AHA,Read MoreCongestive Heart Failure (Chf) Is Defined As A Serious1483 Words à |à 6 PagesCongestive Heart Failure (CHF) is defined as a serious heart condition that prevents the heart from providing adequate blood flow to other parts of the body, causing a buildup of fluids in organs such as the lungs and kidneys (Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure). This heart condition affects approximately 670,000 people a year and is one of the leading causes of death for older people (Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure). Congestive heart failure, a chronic heart condition, manifestsRead MoreOverview of Congestive Heart Failure Essay1377 Words à |à 6 PagesCongestive Heart Failure is when the hearts pumping power is weaker than normal. It does not mean the heart has stopped working. The blood moves through the heart and body at a slower rate, and pressure in the heart increases. This means; the heart cannot pump enough oxygen and nutrients to meet the bodys needs. The chambers of the heart respond by stretching to hold more blood to pump through the body or by becoming more stiff and thickened. This only keeps the blood moving for a short whileRead MoreUse the following Case Scenario896 Words à |à 3 Pagesï » ¿What nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. J. at the time of her admission? Drug therapy is started for Mrs. J. to control her symptoms. What is the rationale for the administration of each of the following medications? At the start of her admission, Mrs. J is going through many complications throughout most of her systems. I would follow the rules of ABC and control her respiratory problem first. Mrs. J has an oxygen saturation of 82% and is probably going to continue dropping. She willRead MoreThe Heart Of Heart Failure1503 Words à |à 7 PagesHeart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood through to meet the body s needs for blood and oxygen. Basically, the heart can t keep up with its workload. American Heart Association Statistics (2016) reveals that heart failure accounts for 36% of cardiovascular disease deaths. Projections report a 46% increase in the prevalence of Heart Failure (HF) by 2030 by affecting over 8 million people above 18 years with the disease. Healthy PeopleRead MoreThe Failure Of Heart Failure999 Words à |à 4 Pagesprocess is the heart, which by using the cardiovascular system supplies every other system throug hout the body with the oxygen and nutrients by pumping them throughout the blood. When the demand is not met or the supply is too great it can be considered heart failure. Understandably heart failure is a worrisome term. To think one of your most vital organs is failing and unable to provide what is needed for basic survival is terrifying. However; there are many stages of heart failure that can rangeRead MoreLiving with Congestive Heart Disease804 Words à |à 3 Pagesone in nine people die from Congestive Heart Disease. Patients who have been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Disease are more likely to have one of these other disorders; Diabetes, Hypertension, or Coronary Artery Disease. Patient who have hypertension are at an increased risk for developing congestive heart failure during their lifetime. This is because it puts more workload on the heart than is needed. My patient has been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Disease with a secondary diagnosis of hypertensionRead MoreLiving Life with Heart Failure Essay869 Words à |à 4 PagesLife with Heart Failure What is the first disease that you think of when asked? Of all the diseases that could be mentioned Heart Failure, HF, is one that many have heard of or that has affected a loved one. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ââ¬Å"heart failure affects nearly 5.1 million Americans of all ages and is responsible for more hospitalizations than all forms of cancer combined. It is the number 1 cause of hospitalization for Medicare patients and this process can beginRead MorePathophysiology of Chf1432 Words à |à 6 PagesPathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure I. Description: Congestive Heart Failure is more of a syndrome than a disease. Heart failure may be classified according to the side of the heart affected, (left- or right-sided failure), or by the cardiac cycle involved, (systolic or diastolic dysfunction). (Schilling-McCann p. 176). The word failure refers to the hearts inability to pump enough blood to meet the bodys metabolic needs. (Schilling-McCann p. 176). When the heart fails to deliver adequateRead MoreChf Essay1735 Words à |à 7 PagesCongestive Heart Failure Introduction Everyone loses pumping ability in their heart as they age. The serious case of heart failure develops when other health conditions cause the heart to work harder or become damaged due to increased stress. Heart failure is usually a chronic disease. It gradually tends to become worse. By the time someone is diagnosed with it, the heart has most likely begun to lose pumping capacity for quits some time. Nearly five million Americans are living with heart failure
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
My Mom Inspired Me free essay sample
My brother was courageous for coming out 1st Place $50 Authorââ¬â¢s name withheld Illustration by Andrea Perez, 17, Bravo Medical Magnet HS Growing up I never had a hero. I always thought it was a bogus idea to look up to someone when they havenââ¬â¢t done anything to actually gain your respect. I always thought that there was no one who I would admire in my life. The reasons being because everywhere you look people are shallow, they never think of others. But in recent years Iââ¬â¢ve actually found a hero, someone who I can admire with my heart and be proud to say heââ¬â¢s who I admire. That person is my brother. I have three brothers. I could lie and say they were always caring but I wonââ¬â¢t. Growing up, most times they were harsh. I never had anyone to play with me or have a conversation with. They always looked down on me since I was the youngest. Since the biggest age gap was between me and them, sometimes they would take time to talk to me but most times they were off in their own world. But all of them had their good traits and the one I most admire is my second-oldest brother. Like me he is gay, and heââ¬â¢s gone through so much more than I have. Coming out for him was the hardest. My mom and dad did not know how to deal with it. So they hit him. They thought the solution was beating the gay out of him and treating him harshly. Yet he didnââ¬â¢t back down and he kept true to who he was. I remember going to church and keeping him as the secret of the family. I could only imagine how he could feel being the black sheep of the familyââ¬â staining our family. He also came out when most people didnââ¬â¢t accept homosexuals, saying they were a mistake of God and that they needed to die. I remember one day I was young and he came up to me in my room and said, ââ¬Å"If you ever come out just know that itââ¬â¢s going to be easier for you. I cleared the way for you so itââ¬â¢ll be easier. â⬠I guess he meant with my parents and my family, that they would accept me more easily. To this day, those words stay with me since he knew who I was when I was young. Even when I was denying it because society said we were sinners, he came up to me and said what needed to be said. Those simple words touched my heart and I have never forgotten them. I love him so dearly. Because of those words I knew exactly what he went through, those words had the pain he went through laced all around them. I am proud to say he is my brother and my hero. He is the one who inspires me to be myself and not care what others say about me. That my life is my own and not anyone elseââ¬â¢s, and I know I will always admire him for what he has done in my life. Because after all these years no matter what happens I know he will be there for me, because despite of all the prejudice in the world he will never back down from who he is, and neither will I. l My mom does it all nd place $30 By Nancy Vo, El Monte HS When I saw the headline in L. A. Youth that said, ââ¬Å"Who do you admire? â⬠there was no doubt in my mind who I wanted to write about. My mom. Well, to start off, my mom was not born anywhere near the U. S. She was born on the other side of the world: Hanoi, Vietnam. She grew up during a time when making money to help the family was much more important than receiving an education. She grew up during a time of war, which made it that much harder for her to receive food and simple, everyday necessities that we here in the U. S. ake for granted. Despite all these hardships, my mom still managed to get an education, start a family and accomplish something that would change the course of my life forever. She worked and worked and worked, and eventually she saved up enough money to get my entire family of five over to the States. I admire that woman because she went above and beyond to make sure that her kids were going to receive a better education, a better life and a secure future where we donââ¬â¢t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. Secondly, I admire her because of her strength. Sheââ¬â¢s been through hell and back, and amazingly sheââ¬â¢s still here, standing tall. About five years ago, my dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When I heard the news, I broke down and cried. Heââ¬â¢s my world, my everything, and to know that I could lose him at any given moment scared the life out of me. I thought that the news of my dadââ¬â¢s brain tumor would send my mom over the edge, but surprisingly it didnââ¬â¢t. She held herself together very well. Whenever anyone needed a shoulder to cry on, they would look for her. Just the other day, I asked my mom why she never cried. She responded, ââ¬Å"Are you kidding me?! I would cry all the time. I would cry when you kids were off at school. I would even cry myself to sleep sometimes. I just wouldnââ¬â¢t cry in front of you kids or your father because I knew that I had to keep a straight face. I had to be the rock that kept the family grounded. â⬠She was the rock then, and sheââ¬â¢s still the rock now. Lastly, I admire her because sheââ¬â¢s as quick as a whip and sheââ¬â¢s more independent than anyone I know. Sheââ¬â¢s a clever one I tell you. It seems like whenever anyone in my family comes down with an illness, she has the cure. If you are living under my momââ¬â¢s roof thereââ¬â¢s absolutely no need for Advil or Tylenol. Just give her 15 minutes to whip up a homemade remedy and youââ¬â¢re cured. On top of that, my mom is her very own mechanic and accountant. If the check engine light lights up, my mom can take care of it. When the time to file taxes comes around, sheââ¬â¢s got it. A lot of people look up to celebrities like Kim Kardashian or Jeremy Lin. Now donââ¬â¢t get me wrong, those celebrities are great and all, but I donââ¬â¢t admire them the same way I admire my mom. Sheââ¬â¢s an incredible human being whoââ¬â¢s hardworking, strong, clever and independent. I hope one day I grow up to be half the woman she is. (And if youââ¬â¢re reading this Mom, I love you! ) l My family stuck by me 3rd place $20 By Jorge Sanchez, Wooden HS (Reseda) Running away from something when you want to stay. Quitting something that you love doing. Giving up a life that you are used to. I admire my family for helping me do these things, even when I wasnââ¬â¢t so sure I wanted them done. My wife helped me stop doing drugs. I didnââ¬â¢t think that I would actually meet someone like her. She started to tell me that I should quit, but I didnââ¬â¢t want to. But she never gave up on me and kept encouraging me to stop. The main reason why I admire her is because she never gave up on me and kept pushing me forward. After she helped me stop doing drugs, her goal was for me to stop my gang-related life. She would always tell me that she didnââ¬â¢t want that life for me and knew that I could do better. She never stopped believing in me, and she never gave up. When she found out that I left the gang-related ways behind me, she was really happy. The main reason why I really admire my wife is because she is the mother of my two beautiful kids. My kids have motivated me to do many things that I thought I would never do. At first I didnââ¬â¢t think I could be a good father because we were both so young, and I thought I would end up doing the same thing as my dad . . . just leave. My wife and my kids showed me that I was better and trusted that I would always be there for them and would never leave them no matter what. When I dropped out of school, my wife was mad. She started to notice that I didnââ¬â¢t want to go to school anymore and wanted to focus more at work. She decided to push me to go back to school. She helped me get back on my feet and pushed me to finish school. I will finally graduate this spring. My babies and my wife are the best things that have happened to me in my life. Without them I donââ¬â¢t know where I would be right now. I donââ¬â¢t want to run. I donââ¬â¢t want to quit. I want to stay exactly where I am with the woman I admire. l My older sister inspires me with her sacrifice Honorable mention Authorââ¬â¢s Name Withheld The person I admire most in the world is my older sister. She is the one who taught me how to say ââ¬Å"pleaseâ⬠and ââ¬Å"thank you,â⬠the one who taught me division when I was in the fourth grade, and the one who gave me advice throughout high school. I grew up in a single parent household, so it was my sister who raised me. As we were growing up, I always looked up to her and admired all the things she could do that I couldnââ¬â¢t. She learned how to ride the bike before me, how to swim before me, and how to do her make up before me. She was always before me, but she taught me everything she knew because she didnââ¬â¢t want me to feel left out. Thatââ¬â¢s what I loved the most about her. She always made sure I was included in everything. My dad came to America 30 years ago and was never able to learn how to speak English. He could only utter a few words, and every time he tried to speak it, the words always got jumbled up on his tongue. For this reason, my sister had to take on the role as his translator. She was my dadââ¬â¢s voice from a young age. She spoke for him when he couldnââ¬â¢t, and took care of him when we didnââ¬â¢t know how. My sister was the first one in our family to go to college. I remember how hard she worked throughout high school, all those endless nights of staying up studying, all the weekends she spent in her room reading instead of going out with her friends, and I was too young to understand why. Now that I am older, I realize that she did all those things because she wanted a better future for herself, for us. We were always struggling to make ends meet, and she took on the role as the provider for the family in addition to her many, many other responsibilities. The day before she left for college, we went out to celebrate all of her achievements thus far. We were all so happy for her, especially me, but a big part of me was also terrified. She would be miles and miles away, and that meant I would have to take on her responsibilities. I never quite understood the magnitude of what she gave up for and what she gave to our family until I had to take her place. She gave up so much for the people she loved and she gave me the childhood she never had. I admire my sister because she was completely selfless, focused, and strong, and in many ways, I was happy to take her place and to take on her responsibilities because it was her turn to take a break and have some fun, and it was my turn to make her proud of me.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Onhs Documentation Essay Example
Onhs Documentation Essay CHAPTER 1 1. The Problem and Its Background 2. 1 Introduction Enrollment serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering schools or universities, either public or in private. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrollment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part either individually or with company of a parent or some relatives. Enrollment is considered as the first step or procedure that must be done by old students within a particular institution before the semester per school year totally starts, but for those freshmen, or first year students (new students), they are obliged to usually take an admission test, to know and assess them the right course to engage to, followed by a scheduled interview in order to give them brief instructions and information about certain issues with regards to the schoolââ¬â¢s policies, institutional programs as well as personal information, health, economic status, so on and so forth. Good enrollment is always an asset in a school, pertaining to fast payment, assessment procedures, and easy transactions with a high rate of accuracy. Therefore, good enrollment within the schools, if present, can be described as civilize, organize, accurate and professional. Enrollment has always been a difficult task, but it is more so today than ever before, where administrators uses the traditional way of filing records on a cabinet. Schools, like any other organization used to manage all sorts of data and information to ensure attainment of its goals and objectives. The emerging needs in most schools for accurate and relevant data and reliable information strengthen the Student Information System. As the population of the students goes up, it is becoming more complex. Data should be stored in safer places, and can be retrieved easily and fast when someone needs it. We will write a custom essay sample on Onhs Documentation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Onhs Documentation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Onhs Documentation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Administratorââ¬â¢s task has becoming more complex, there have been efforts to improve the effectiveness of problem solving and central to this are quantitative techniques and electronic devices such as computers. This study aims to come up with an enrollment system and grades management with short message service system for a high school which also includes information pertinent data such as name, year, section, etc. This system is design for the use of the staff to enable them to produce information required by different people. It will make the work of faculty and staff faster, easier and more comprehensive. The system will also store the data of the students. For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having an enrollment system and grades management with SMS System if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this. 2. 2 The Background of the Study Orani National High School (ONHS) is located at Kawayan, Orani, Bataan, it was established through the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Resolution No. 41. ONHS campus started to operate three years before its House Bill No. 1425 was approved as Republic Act No. 8419 on November 27, 1997. ONHS is composed of (1864) one thousand eight hundred sixty four students. Five hundred forty (540) are first year, four hundred sixty three (463) are second year, four hundred thirty two (432) are third year and four hundred twenty nine (429) are seniors or graduating. The school has sixty six (66) teaching and non-teaching staff. Fifty three (53) teaching personnel are regular permanent and are nationally funded. Five are contractual, funded by the Provincial School Board of Bataan and the Local School Board of Orani. The non-teaching personnel is composed of three (3) Department Heads, one (1) Disbursing Officer who are regular and permanent and five (5) contractual support personnel funded by the Provincial School Board of Bataan and Local School Board of Orani. All teachers passed the Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET) and Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) with Master of Arts in progress and are teaching their own major or field of specialization. The faculty, staff, students and parents of this school are caring people, who share one vision and one mission and who continuously strive to make ONHS a caring school system in Orani where every learner is Maka-Diyos, Maka-kalikasan, Maka-tao and Maka-Bansa; and make every student understand, do and enjoy what they have learned by being role models. Their enrollment is being done manually by the registrar and when the enrollment start the registrar will have a hard time to enroll the student in their current enrollment system, they found that using a manual process is hard to handle such as collection of records like storing, finding, sorting and securing of records particularly if this stored only in one room and in a limited space. It will be a big hassle for the registrar and the student when or if ever their going to get data or information. In this new system it will be easy for them to enroll and to get data or information from the registrar and also enable the registrar to easily produce information required by the different people in the school. 2. 3 Statement of the Problem 2. 4. 1 General Problem How to design, develop and implement an Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System for Orani National High School that would help the enrollment and grading process? 2. 4. 2 Specific Problems * Difficult data manipulation * The present way of enrollment and grading system is time consuming * There is no data retrieval of lost file There is no standard format when printing of grades * Difficult parental updates of the students * Security 2. 4 Objective of the Study 2. 5. 3 General Objective To be able to design, develop and implement an Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System for Orani National High School. 2. 5. 4 Specific Objective * To develop an information system that has the ability to manipulate data accurately. * To develop an information system that will lessen the workload, time, human resource and provides accurateà informationà needed in an information system. * To develop a system that has the ability to protect the files. The proposed system will be having a standard printing format for the data. * To develop an information system that has parental updates. * For security purpose. 2. 5 Significance of the Study Due to the increasing students of Orani National High School, this study helped the school regarding their enrollment transactions. The proposed system aimed to benefit the school in their enrollment facilities such as maintaining the files, assessment of fees and especially the enrollment itself. The proposed system aimed to benefit the following: The School The main beneficiary of the study is Orani National High School. ONHS would be adapting the new innovation of technology through C# programming language that will make their work with optimum performance. The developed system will compensate the flaws and problems that the school is encountering. Registrar With regards to the registrarââ¬â¢s office the proposed system will help the school in maintaining the data of the students and the school will not use the manual data gathering. ONHS will just need to check the database for the records needed. Students The students will benefit by means of not having a hard time in falling in line and waiting for their turn to register. Proponents The proponents would also be a beneficiary of the study since the proponents would value the importance of enhancing their skills and work performance while grasping knowledge throughout the study. Future Researchers For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having an enrollment system if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this. 2. 6 Scope and Limitation The system will have the following features: * File Management * Students Master List * Grades Management * Generation of Reports * Studentââ¬â¢s records report * Studentââ¬â¢s grades report * Enrollment Process SMS function * Security However, the system will have the following limitations: * Enrollment Reservation * The SMS function is only available only during class hours between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. * The SMS function cannot be used if the prepaid kit doesnââ¬â¢t have enough loads to send information. 2. 7 Conceptual Framework ONHS Enrollment and Grades Manag ement with Short Message Service System Of Orani National High School ONHS Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System Of Orani National High School ONHS System Students Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS ONHS System Students Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS Students Information Users Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS Students Information Users Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS Output Output Input Input Process Process Figure 1. 1 Conceptual Frame Work 2. 8 Definition of Terms System- Any organized assembly of resources and procedures united and regulated by interaction or interdependence to accomplish a set of specific functions. Software-à a collection of computer programs and related data that provide instructions on telling the computer what to do and how to do it. Database- a system intended to organize, store and retrieve large amount of data easily. Program- (also a software program) is a set of instructions written to perform a specified task for a computer. Installation- (or setup) of a program (includes drivers, plugins, etc. ) is the act of putting the program onto a computer system so that it can be executed. Xampp- is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. Mysql- MySQL is a relation database management system (RDBMS) which has more than 6 million installations. MySQL stands for ââ¬Å"My Structured Query Languageâ⬠. The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. Significance-This is the importance of the study which is a quality of suggestiveness and expressiveness. CHAPTER 2 2. 0Review of Related Literature and Studies This section presents the writing of different facts and principles conducted by the proponents during the research, which have relevant to the study. It involves quotation of the author of the books and reference materials that may serve as the basis for sorting out and solving some problems that may be encountered in the development of the proposed study. 2. 1 Foreign Literature This portion presents a review of several literatures that would be beneficial to the study summarized from previous writings, showing detailed facts asserted by few people and pioneer in the field of computer industry. On this element of study some reviews of the proponents and authorââ¬â¢s passage in order to help the proponents to find ways in contact with the problem that have been encountered. Success of SMS The proposed system has an SMS function. An SMS is intended only for short messaging. It is limited but very convenient to use. Even if itââ¬â¢s limitation, The SMS industry or Telecommunication industry is one of the most successful business ventures in the world. This was proved in the book of Brian Retford and Jordan Schwartz entitled ââ¬Å"How to Build an SMS Serviceâ⬠. ââ¬Å"SMS, or Short Message Service, is rapidly emerging as a multibillion dollar a year industry. A leading research firm reports that consumer spending on mobile services represents a $140 billion opportunity worldwide, with person-to-person SMS making up half f that. Portio Research reported that there were 946 billion SMSs sent in 2006. Clearly, the medium has hit the mainstream. To support the first statement, there is also an article regarding about the success of the SMS which is entitled ââ¬Å"Future of SMSâ⬠by Ronald J. de Lange, Executive Vice President, Global Product Sol utions, Tekelec. ââ¬Å"SMS has been the most successful non-voice service for mobile operators in the history of telecommunications and, as such, has been a key revenue generator. Every year stories of the demise of this 160-character service are thick in the air, and every year SMS usage continues to grow as more uses are found for this once ignored service. The key to the success of SMS has been its simplicity, reach, price and reliability. All other messaging based applications launched since SMS have struggled to meet the lofty expectations set by the service and pale in comparison to its success. Industry-related reports point to a future in which SMS volumes and revenue will continue to grow on a global basis for at least the next three years. So what is going to drive this level of growth? In short, several trends will drive the continued expansion of the service. â⬠The researcher believed that the existence of SMS is a big help in terms of convenient way of communication. Importance of Computers in the Business Today, our generation is considered as a computer age. There is no place in the world without Computers. Computers, Internet, Facebook are now considered part of our lives. Even in the school, Computers give us a lot of benefits especially in the business. Computers can provide a business a fast, reliable, systematized and organized way of giving services. This was proved in the research article of Alexis Writing entitled ââ¬Å"What Are the Advantages of Computers in Businessâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Computers have tremendously improved the way businesses operate in their respective industries. Technology has advanced so remarkably that those who are not using computers in their business are at a major disadvantage against their competitors. In particular, there are several important advantages that computers can provide to small businesses. Organization Computers allow the application of different types of software that can help businesses keep track of their files, documents, schedules and deadlines. Computers also allow businesses to organize all of their information in a very accessible manner. The ability to store large amounts of data on a computer is convenient and inexpensive, and saves space. A computers ability to allow a company to organize its files efficiently leads to better time management and productivity. Self-Sufficiency Computers have made staff and companies more self-sufficient by allowing them to do tasks that previously had to be outsourced. For example, a company can now use office software to create their own training material. Desktop publishing software can be used to create marketing materials. Online tax and accounting programs allow companies to prepare their own taxes. This allows the dominant operations of a company to remain in-house and empowers the company to become more independent and less susceptible to errors committed by outside parties. Cost-Effective Emerging technology makes new tools and services more affordable and allows companies to save on their staff payroll and office equipment. Because computers allow work to be done faster and more efficiently, it is possible for a company to hire fewer staff. In addition, with networked and relatively inexpensive computers, companies can store data more easily, saving on the cost of outside file storage, and can avoid having to purchase as many copiers, fax machines, typewriters, and other such items that were used before computers became popular. Correspondingly, potentially profitable businesses can be started with a smaller overhead cost. Email capabilities decrease postage costs; software applications reduce the need for large accounting departments, while videoconferencing reduces the need for travel. All resources saved will trickle down to the consumers, who are then provided with much more affordable products and service. Speed Computers help speed up other business operations. The collecting of consumer feedback, ordering of raw materials, and inspection of products is made quicker through the use of computers, allowing companies to operate much faster and to produce better quality results. Sales Computers can help generate higher sales and profits for businesses via a company website. Many businesses now operate online and around the clock to allow customers from around the world to shop for their products and services. 2. 2 Foreign Studies Short Message Service || SMS SMS can be used for a variety of uses in conjunction with mobile prepay including notification of low balance and balance inquiry, short codes used in conjunction with prepaid roaming, and even SMS itself can be provided on a prepaid basis by the mobile network operator. When used in conjunction with the SIM To olkit, SMS can be used as the vehicle for a variety of secure transaction-oriented services such as mobile banking; news alerts, product alerts, updated sports information, job alerts, and SMS aided utility services and so on. According to the study AN SMS AND WEB-BASED TRAFFIC CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN BANGLADESH by Sangeet Saha, August 2006, ââ¬Å"The Traffic Police can use this SMS to know the case information, vehicle information and driver information. When the traffic police want to know this information then they will just send an SMS to a particular number. Then they will receive an SMS which contains all the information that they want to know. Thus this will help the traffic police in many ways. They can easily gather information through an SMS. Their SMS system will work when the police send an SMS using this format than this SMS will go to the central database and run the query. After getting the result, server will return an SMS to the police about the information. If no result found that it will also return an SMS of no result. In this the SMS for traffic, the police will send only the car license number. And the result will contain itââ¬â¢s case number, offenderââ¬â¢s name, date of off ence, date of presence to the station and the papers name that are captured. In the published thesis of Yu Loon Ng, SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS) SECURITY SOLUTION FOR MOBILE DEVICES, December 2006, ââ¬Å"This thesis focuses on the security of Short Message Service (SMS) and the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) network, and the use of encryption to protect SMS messages. A detailed study of the GSM network, the SMS protocol and various encryption schemes was conducted to understand the properties of different encryption schemes and their applicability to SMS messages. An experiment was conducted to measure the actual performance of various encryption schemes on a modern smart phone. An analysis of the encryption scheme properties and the performance measurement was then conducted to select a suitable scheme for SMS encryption. The selected scheme was implemented in the form of a Secure SMS Chat application to validate the viability of the selected encryption scheme. Potential applications of secure SMS in military settings are also discussed. â⬠Their thesis focuses on the use of encryption to secure SMS messages. The encryption requirements of voice traffic and other data traffic will not be discussed. The characteristics of different encryption schemes and their performance on a modern mobile device are presented. The properties of SMS were assessed with respect to their impact on encryption selection. Based on the measurement results, a suitable encryption scheme for SMS is selected, and deployed. A typical application is used to validate the selection. 2. 3 Local Studies Enrollment System The proponents primarily choose the topic regarding about enrollment is because this will give a lot of benefits to many, most especially to the students, teachers and of course the school. The other reason is because it has abundant resources that can help the proponents on developing the project. To improve the existing enrollment system our proposed system will be using the most efficient, fast and reliable machine that is widely used around the world which is computers. In the unpublished thesis of Computer Based Enrollment Information System for St. Marys College of Meycauayan by Joseph Bernard Reyes, May 2002 it is mentioned that ââ¬Å"One cannot deny the fact that the computer has become a tool that is shaping almost every facet of life. It is used by the government, military, big businesses, in homes and of course in schools. This is especially true in highly industrialized countries like United States, Japan and England. Moreover, the expanding application of computers in education and in business organization has prompted leaders and managers to find ways on how to use the computer to make their operations more efficient. They are be used to enhance performance and efficiency and this makes them very valuable tools for most learning institution in the Philippinesâ⬠. The existing enrollment system of the school ONHS is using manual filing system. Nowadays almost all Universities, Colleges and Private Schools are using Computerized Enrollment System, thatââ¬â¢s why the respondents agreed that it is time for the school to change and upgrade their enrollment system. Enrollment is considered as the first step or procedure that must be done by the students within a particular institute. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrollment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part either individually or with company of a parent or some relatives. According to the study of Computer Based Enrollment Information System for St. Marys College of Meycauayon, ââ¬Å"Enrollment is the start of the relationship between the school and the students. Enrollment is one of the most important functions in any learning institution because it is the actual start of the interaction between the school and the students. â⬠Moreover our proposed system aims to improve the Enrollment system of the school. The proponents want to help not only the students, teachers, the school but of course the development of the technology in our country. Short Message Service The proposed system offers not only Enrollment and Grading System but also an SMS or Short Message Service capability as well. The reason why the proponents came up on adding an SMS feature on the system is because aside from the internet, SMS is the best way to communicate with other people. According to the study ââ¬Å"Tri Sensor Microcontroller Based Intelligent Monitoring System w/ SMS Transmission and Receptionâ⬠by De Vera, Joy S. , Malixi, Jaime Jr. , Palisoc Aira, Purugganan, Leah S. , and Sarinas, Angolito Salvodor, Aug 20 2003. SMS is a globally accepted wireless service that enables the alphanumeric messages between mobile subscribers and external system. It is characterized by out-of-bound packet delivery and low bandwidth message transfer, which results in a highly efficient means for transmitting short bursts of data. â⬠The proponents will use the SMS to communicate with the parents or guardians of the students. The systemââ¬â¢s SMS function will be the formal way of the school to communicate with the parents. According again to the study, ââ¬Å"Communication is one important factor in life. It is the process of passing information of what is happening. Today, one medium we are currently incorporating is SMS / Text Messaging. In SMS messaging, information is sent effectively and fast. â⬠The proponents therefor conclude that an SMS function on a system will be a big help on improving the current system of the School. Short Message Service, means of Communication Cellular Phones have been a world-wide craze today. It plays an important role in everyoneââ¬â¢s life. It helps us communicate and to be in touch with our love ones. One reason why all of us consider cellular phone a necessity is because of its SMS or short message service. In the Philippines there are many Telecommunications Company are offering a lot of affordable texting/SMS offers. According to the Study Microcontroller based SMS Micro E-load Vending machine by Cu, Joshua C. and Uy, Jeckson T. , August, 2006. ââ¬Å"Cellularà communication can help us locate and be in touch with another person in a remote location. Since the Philippines being a developing country 33% of our population is under poverty (Senate Economic Planning Office, 2005). Wireless Telecommunications Company offered prepaid loading option that is highly suitable in the Philippine setting. Subscribers purchase consumable credits forà their account in present denominations. â⬠In the statement above, it only shows how the SMS is widely used in our country. SMS or texting is considered not only for fun, it is considered today as a necessity. CHAPTER 3 3. 0 Methodology 3. 1Research Design Tools 4. 1. 1 Data Gathering Techniques Used Everyà dataà toà beà gatheredà hasà aà proofà fromà theà respondents. Proponents interact on different participants which works are related to the design proposal, to gather relevant data from them. Directress was the overall head of enrollment system of Orani National High School. She deals with studentââ¬â¢s evaluation and also has a list of copy of students enrolled. Byà interviewà andà observations,à proponentsà willà knowà current processes regarding enrollment activities. On the other hand, registrar department manages master list of the studentsà (new,à transferee,à old). Theà departmentà wasà alsoà assignà in sectioning of the students. By the use of this information, proponents will gather data about sectioning. In addition to that, selected parents and students will be an important participant since they are the main beneficiary of the design proposal. With the aid of surveys and sets of questionnaires about enrollment procedures, proponents will know problems regarding existing Enrollment System. Sources of Information a. Interviews which were conducted on the person involved in the Enrollment system to have a better understanding on how the current system works. b. Communication letters which were used by the proponents for request for permission to implement the study with the approval of the school. c. Other Sources of information are school documents provided by the school which contains information. Instruments Usedà in the Survey, Sample Questionnaires, Interviewà Questions, Communication Letters The following personnel are vital to how the system operates in which the proponents have selected to ask questions about how the current system works. a. School Registrar * Provided an overview of the system * Questions are imposed by asking general to specific questions b. Teacher aiding enrollment every year * Explained about further details of their system * Questions are raised from specific questions going to a more general one 4. 1. 2 Consolidated Findings, Analysis of Information Gathered, Summaryà ofà Information a. Summary of Information Information gathered through school documents is insufficient for the handbook only gives the history of theà school however in the interview the proponents found out that the student files are not secured from unauthorized personnel, data loss and inconsistency for theà it isà manual and only placed on a cabinet. 4. 1 Research Design Theà proponentsà adoptà descriptiveà study,à andà usedà quantitative approach in attaining relevant ideas that will involve in design proposal. In thisà scheme,à proponentsà askà informationà inà detailedà questionsà regarding what they observed in actual to the school. They also adopt quantitative approach ofà study which observed particularly in numbers. This willà give way to use the method where in data are manipulated by means ofà getting onlyà sample that can represent aà whole. Aà goodà instanceà isà an enrollment system wherein studentââ¬â¢s population is much involved. By getting some portion in the population of students in every year level, they can achieve data by means of average answers. 4. 2 Instrument used in Study a. Interview Sheets Provide set of questions done by interviewer to be answer by selected respondents. Differentà kindsà ofà questionsà areà indicatedà seeingà asà that proponents interviewed several kinds of personnel involve in the system. The followingà areà directress,à registrarà andà teachersà since they are much involved in enrollment activities of ONHS. b. Gantt Chart Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the duration of task against theà progressionà ofà time. Ità isà aà usefulà toolà for planningà andà scheduling projects. Proponents used Gantt chart in order to them to monitor allotted time for the project. 4. 3 System Development Paradigm Employed Verification Verification Testing ; quality assurance Testing ; quality assurance Maintenance Maintenance Verify Verify Planning Planning Conceptualization Conceptualization Design Design Development Development Implementation Implementation Initiate Project Initiate Project Design Review Design Review Design Approval Design Approval System development System development Product Process Iteration Figure 3. 2 Waterfall model The proponents preferred to use the waterfall model, because the waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through each phases. Progress flows from the top to the bottom, like a waterfall. This model represents the software development life cycle using processes, input and output. Each process transforms an input to produce a new product as output. Then the new product becomes the input of the next process. 4. 4 SYSTEM MODELS 3. 5. 1Data Flow Diagram of the Existing System Figure 3. 3 Existing Enrollment System Diagram Figure 3. 4 Existing Grades Management Diagram 3. 5. 2Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System Figure 3. 5 Enrollment and Grades Management System with SMS Diagram BdayYear BdayYear BdayDay BdayDay BdayMonth BdayMonth 3. 5. 2Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the Proposed System Lastname Lastname Firstname Firstname School Year School Year ID ID Sections Sections Has Has Third Year Third Year Second Year Second Year Fourth Year Fourth Year First Year First Year Year Level Year Level Enrollment Enrollment Enrols Enrols Student Student ID ID Middlename Middlename Guardian Guardian Contact Number Contact Number Section Section ID ID Year Year Date Enrolled Date Enrolled 3. 6 Programming Languages/ Database Used The proposed system used C# for the object-oriented programming method. The database used is MySQL due to its flexibility and open-source nature. Visual C# C# (pronounced C sharp) is a programming language that is designed for building a variety of applications that run on the . NET Framework. C# is simple, powerful, type-safe, and object-oriented. The many innovations in C# enable rapid application development while retaining the expressiveness and elegance of C-style languages. Visual C# is an implementation of the C# languageà by Microsoft. Visual Studio supports Visual C#à with a full-featured code editor, compiler, project templates, designers, code wizards, a powerful and easy-to-use debugger, and other tools.<
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Write a Research Paper on Global Warming
How to Write a Research Paper on Global Warming Research Paper on Global Warming How to start a research paper on global warming Tips on how to start Example of an outline Example of a thesis Example of a global warming research paper introduction How to write body paragraphs for a research paper on global warming Tips on body writing Example of the 1st body paragraph Example of the 2nd body paragraph Example of the 3rd body paragraph How to finish a research paper on global warming Tips on conclusion writing Example of a conclusion Tips on research paper revision How to start a research paper on global warming Starting a research paper on global warming is not an easy task. It involves gathering specific scientific data over a long period of time in order to have the necessary facts for proving the impacts and effects of climate change. Global warming is not observable in only short amounts of time. This is why making a research paper on global warming involves the gathering of evidences from history and past events that were involved in the general climate of an environment. Tips on how to start Gather scientific evidences of global warming by sifting through environmental research done in the past. Look for facts pointing to the statement that you want to present. Make sure that you have a focus on a study so that you will be precise and concise on your point. Create an outline so you will be able to follow a structure for your research paper. Use online and offline sources as global warming statistics are available upon only the existing records. Example of an outline In creating an outline, you need to prepare concise and simple information. It should be flexible enough to accommodate your points of comparison and research facts. The structure of your outline should be solid enough to emphasize your statement and give the reader the proper material for gaining a comprehension of your chosen topic. INTRODUCTION/THESIS STATEMENT I. FIRST MAIN TOPIC/STATEMENT a. EXAMPLE OR INTERESTING FACT ABOUT FIRST MAIN TOPIC/STATEMENT b. SUPPORTING RESEARCH II. SECOND MAIN TOPIC/STATEMENT a. EXAMPLE OR INTERESTING FACT ABOUT SECOND MAIN TOPIC/STATEMENT b. SUPPORTING RESEARCH III. THIRD MAIN TOPIC/STATEMENT a. EXAMPLE OR INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THIRD MAIN TOPIC/STATEMENT b. SUPPORTING RESEARCH A good example of how an outline can be organized is this one. I. Throughout our past, evidences of global warming due to human activity have slowly emerged and now, it is a crisis that is openly known to the public but ways of battling it successfully are yet to emerge. 1. The natural greenhouse effect of the planet has a natural rhythm and balance, however, human activity has caused subtle to major effects towards our atmosphere 2. There are changes in weather patterns causing different types of weather anomalies (e.g. wild hurricanes, long droughts). 3. The trend of global temperatures increasing. II. The reasons that are fast-tracking the impacts and effects of global warming are related to the growth of the human population and the increased need for: 1. Fossil fuels for energy 2. Land for shelters, cities, and other forms of settlements. 3. Manufactured and processed foods III. The consequences of our environment-destructive human activities have caused global warming to be felt throughout the world. 1. Sea levels are rising globally, putting major coastal human settlements to great risks. 2. The ice is melting in the Arctic regions of the world due to the warming of the entire globe (a) Concerns of flooding in human populated areas (b) Decreased land to settle on 3. Crops are being affected also by global warming (a) there is less land present to be farmed on 4. Flatlands are drying up 5. Unnatural weather anomalies are destroying crops. IV. There are methods in which people can choose to help to slow down climate change. 1. Find alternative forms and sources of energy 2. Conserve the use of fossil fuels and create renewable sources of electricity 3. Utilize recyclable products 4. Planting of trees and plants to help restore the status of atmosphere Example of a thesis The thesis statement of the paper is like a concise and simple form of presenting your main idea. The introduction gives the reader a general idea of what they are going to read in the paper. As such, it goes at the beginning of your paper; below is a possible example: Global warming is an issue that is currently faced by the entire planet, and humanity needs to consciously tackle it in order to save the species and the planet from destruction. This thesis statement properly delivers a pair of ideas that will be the focus of the research. The first statement implies location, while the second implies an act or a methodology to how you are going to work in your research. Example of a global warming research paper introduction With your thesis statement, you can now provide general knowledge and description of the facts that you will be presenting. The introduction should radiate a welcoming vibe to it in order to attract the readerââ¬â¢s attention. Here is an example: Global warming is an issue that is currently faced by the entire planet, and humanity needs to consciously tackle it in order to save the species and the planet from destruction. Global warming, which is also called the greenhouse effect, is a subject that has acquired much attention among media and government institutions in the recent years. However, many among the population are not aware of climate changes as an impactful event among our modern times. Global warming has impacted many livelihoods of people living in different areas and its effects are accelerating due to human activities that contribute to global climate change. The growth of the population have its demands and increased use of fossil fuels means of manufacturing and processing. All of these are factors in increased emissions into the atmosphere which in turn increases global warming. It is advisable to wait until you have finished the body of your essay before finalizing your introduction or thesis statement. How to write body paragraphs for a research paper on global warming Writing body paragraphs of your research paper should involve arduous research and gathering of data. After all, global warming is a topic that is greatly understood through science and its hard earned facts and statistics. Gathering info should involve the use of local material and internet resources. It is good when writing a research paper to widen the scope of your study in order to provide the reader a comprehensive presentation of your data. Widening your perspective helps the reader understand your main thesis but try not to lose track of the focus of your research paper. Tips on body writing First, decide what kind of information you absolutely want to include in your essay. These topics are the main pillars of your essay. For each of these main pillars you need supporting research and evidence to hold them up; so for each topic you need to have at least one source that backs your assertions. The contents of the body should be supported the conclusion. Do not forget to make your composition logically organized. Make use of credible research resources and choose relevant facts. Example of the 1st body paragraph The reasons that are fast-tracking the impacts and effects of global warming are related to the growth of the human population and the increased need for resources and modes of production that are harmful to the atmosphere and the general environment. Human beings harness fossil fuels for energy which greatly increases the amount of carbon emissions that cause the greenhouse effect. The utilization Land for shelters, cities, and other forms of settlements decreases the land that is supposed to harbor plants and trees that are supposed to balance the state of the air and thus promoting the balance within the atmosphere. Modern manufacturing methods and the demand for processed foods also increase the rate of global warming due to the un-environment friendly modes of its mass production. Example of the 2nd body paragraph The consequences of our environment-destructive human activities have caused global warming to be felt throughout the world. Sea levels are rising globally, putting major coastal human settlements to great risks. The ice is melting in the Arctic regions of the world due to the warming of the entire globe which makes way for concerns of flooding in human populated areas, decreased land to settle on and food supplies through crops are being affected also by global-warming. There is less land present to be farmed on due to the fact that flatlands are drying up and unnatural weather anomalies are destroying crops like the tropical storms that rage on the South-eastern parts of Asia such as the Philippines and Indonesia. Example of the 3rd body paragraph However, all hope is not lost. There are methods in which people can choose to help to slow down climate change. The human population can find alternative forms and sources of energy. They can limit conserve and limit the use of fossil fuels and create renewable sources of electricity. The general population can be taught to utilize recyclable products. Planting of trees and plants also help restore the status of atmosphere and the overall well being of the planet. How to finish a research paper on global warming The conclusion should act along the line of summing up everything you have already told your readers. Its a good idea to touch base briefly on all of your main pillars once more before you finish; this is the place to do that. You can also include a message or an inspiration to the reader and a recommendation for what to do with the research. Remember that all the sample that are here in this article are only examples and convey a basic structure or a plain base for your global warming research paper. Tips on conclusion writing Briefly restate the main points that you have touched in your paper. Make sure that your conclusion is in line with your thesis statement. Use the facts and data that you have to conclude something which will be meaningful to the reader. Connect the components of your research and provide the knowledge to why it is relevant. Donââ¬â¢t forget to provide a recommendation or a practical idea that will help your reader not only gain but also digest the message or findings of your global warming research paper. Example of a conclusion The impacts and effects of climate changes have altered many lives and continue to degrade the status of the planet; many lives have been lost and there is a risk to all existing life in the present. It also has a large negative impact on the economy. However, all hope is not lost. There are methods in which people can choose to help to slow down climate change. The human population can find alternative forms and sources of energy. They can limit conserve and limit the use of fossil fuels and create renewable sources of electricity. The general population can be taught to utilize recyclable products. Planting of trees and plants also help restore the status of atmosphere and the overall well-being of the planet. Tips on research paper revision Follow what the teacher wants, you only need to please their perspective. Simultaneously, include in your paper what you truly want to express through the research material you have acquired. You have to integrate the research paper with the format that your instructor is asking for. Always follow the recommendations of your teacher as they are knowledgeable about how to improve your writing.
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